Instant Sales

 A 3 part intensive that will uncage the locked wealth inside your business and life 

If you are ready to create instant sales, the energetics behind instant creation are vital to get.

Come and join forces with natural creative flow ( that is ever expanding and always growing).

 Instant sales bring you:

- a way easier process of selling based on natural principles like hive mind and being connected to the community consciousness so you can sense what’s in your field, who can use your help, who’s a fit for which program 

- an instant creative process that allows you to open up and become receptive of the immensely abundant creative flow of life that is allowing to let sales drop in 

- The identity shift from micromanaging the how and open up to the road of least resistance , the way creative flow loves to let desires happen.   

Results that can happen:

- Going from a difficult 3k month to an easy 10k month

- having a surprise 3k retreat sold 3 days after our session after letting go of the how 

- having specific needs met instantly (by letting go of the how)

- more joy in telling your people about your offers ( that can result in that easy 10k month)


This is what you get:

  Part I - Hive mind: connect to the collective consciousness and feel what is already in your creative field
- Part II - Higher Mind: Connect to your creative genius to get out of your head and into creative flow
- Part III - The road of Least Resistance: let go of fixed strategies that cap your growth and go into Open Creation that takes the road of least resistance to create what you want  

€555,00 EUR